Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sensual pleasures

Sensual - just what does this word mean to you? According to the dictionary, something sensual gives pleasure to a person's physical senses and feelings rather than to their mind or soul. And a sensual experience does not necessarily have to end in bed! A genre of music, food, a special person or even a particular physical activity can stir your senses and makes you want to purr or grrr...and give you pleasurable moments. So what turns people on.....

Some say that a massage is something that gives the ultimate pleasure. When getting a massage, shut your eyes and enjoy the manual manipulation. The feeling is unbelievably sensual.

Others say soaking in an aromatic hot bath, inhaling the relaxing scent of lavender and surrounded by the soothing flames of scented candles.

Ladies may love the soft satin sheets and silk lingerie.

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