Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rough skin

The fastest way to get skin glowing and gleaming healthily in no time? Body brushing, prescribed twice daily for maximum results. Top models swear bu its power to slough away dead skin cells and boost circulation. It rapidly banishes upper arm pimples too. Those teeny white bumps beneath the skin that can build up under wraps.

Some experts believe it can even help banish cellulite, by encouraging the elimination of toxins through the lymphatic systems, so helping to break down fatty pockets. Use a long handled body brush, with long upward, sweeping movements, start at the feet and work up the legs and across the hips, bottom and tummy.

Move to the arms, beginning at the hands, move up the arms to the shoulders. Always working towards the heart. Avoid the breast area, though or you risk soreness. You could also try a DIY 'scrubbing sack', take a gauze or cheesecloth square (10cmx10cm) and pile a tablespoon of dried chamomile or sage in the centre, with half a cup of oatmeal and three to four drops of our favorite essential oil, tie it with string or a pretty ribbon to create a little pouch and then use it in the bath or shower to scrub your skin clean.

Whisking away dead skin cells also gives your favorite moisturizer a chance to sink in deeply. So treat yourself to the body lotion of your favorite scent. Summer's alternative way to wear fragrance can cause skin to scorch or burn or trigger allergies.

Smooth in once, wait for it to sink in , then apply again to turbo charge the skin-smoothing, sense-drenching effects. But do ignore advice about applying moisture lotion to still-damp skin. Any moisture 'trapped' by the cream rapidly evaporates and although your favorite product will go further (and last longer), what you're really doing is applying alight film of moisture rather than the rich dose the skin really needs.

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