Thursday, January 10, 2008

Flabby tummy

Better posture takes five pounds off instantly and can help stop the dreaded 'bikini overhand'. So Joel Press, medical director of the Centre for Spine, Sports & Occupational Rehabilitation in Chicago, prescribes this simple posture-improvement exercise that can be done almost anywhere.

"Stand with you back against a wall, placing your heels a couple of inches away. With the chin tucked in, hold the buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head against the wall. Do this several times a day, holding it for 20 to 30 seconds."

Yoga and Alexander Technique (a one-pm-one posture-improvement programme) are longer term strategies which also strengthen the back and so make it easier to hold in your tummy.

Spot-targeted exercises firm up flab fast too. But if you have back or neck problems, you should consult an exercise expert before embarking on a tummy-tautening regime - stomach crunches and sit-ups can be bad news for bad backs.

To minimize the risk of injury, try this tummy tuck in the bath, the water (and the edge few the bath) supports you while you go through the motions. Lie back, grab a sponge or flannel between your feet, slowly raise legs as high as possible, pull in the stomach and hold to the count of three, then lower slowly. Repeat five times.

Although women's tummies don't ten d to accumulate 'orange-peel' flesh in the same way as our thighs and bottoms do, massaging in an anti-cellulite product tautens and smooths the skin -.

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