Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Fluid Retention In The Legs

If you don't want to get puffy ankles and swollen fingers keep moving. Any kind of exercise turbocharges your circulation and gets the body's lymph system - responsible for elimination toxic waste - working to the maximum.
Premenstrual water retention is a problem for almost all of us at some stage but the worst thing you can do is cut down on fluid intake: instead, drink litres of water to flush out the system and brew fennel tea (made from one of nature's great diuretics, buy the tea bags in any health food store). Try to avoid prescription diuretics, they may work like a short term fix, but a better idea is to get your own body's system working more efficiently.

Quit caffeine - cola, tea, coffee. Cut down on salt and alcohol (or cut out drinking altogether); all these encourage puffiness.

Massage, too (self-massage or from a massage therapist), gets everything moving the way it should. So does simply making circles with wrists and ankles,which you can do almost anywhere (without raising eyebrows).

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