Friday, September 14, 2007

Tattoo For Thought

The other day, as I was watching a friend getting a back massage suddenly, the thought of Angelina Jolie's (Tomb Raider) tattoo back came to mind. She has tattoo on her back done by the monks in Tibet. The tattoo she had consist of sacred ancient scripts that are supposed to protect her from dangers. Yeap, maybe I should get one too. Ouch! I hate needles. I do admire beautiful tattoo's though. Only too chicken to get one for myself. Did try the sticker tattoo once but didn't last. My man loves. Turns him on.

Tattoo is an ancient art. On the island of Borneo, deep in the interior rainforests, the ethnic natives practised the arts of tattooing on their body. The designs of the tattoo have hidden meanings and they depicts the ranking of the wearer, much like the stars on the General's uniform.

I supposed the tattoo on the back of a female body depicts her endurance ability of the needles. There is a sense of power and mystery about a girl who has a tattoo back. Some times the tattoo depicts ownership or belonging to a club or organization. Whatever it is , a tattoo is permanent and is quite difficult to remove. Should you decide to tattoo, please do your homework and get a well trained tattooist. A well done tattoo on a female's back can be sexy and intriguing to the onlookers.

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