Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Chemistry of Sex and Love

The Chemistry of love and sex or sex and love ,is a very old subject. Which one come first huh? Love or sex first Huh? I think in today's modern age, everything must test drive first loh! Well, we have to be open minded and moved with the age as well.

In the Tao of Love, there is a detail study of love and sex in the Red Chamber in ancient China. The Emperor has hundreds of concubines and he also has two special sexologists to advise him. The female sexologist will advise him on the ways and the techniques of sex and love. The male sexologist will advise him on his chi energy during sexual intercourse and how to conserve his chi energy to reserve it for the other waiting concubines. Both sexologists are knowledgeable in the ways of replenishing the sex chi energy. The methods ranged from the invisible to the physical herbal potions and aphrodiasics.

Even in Napoleon Hill's famous book (Think and Grow Rich), there is a section on the power of sex and love. The right use of sex and love will make a genius out of both man and woman. Somehow the aura of the combined energies of both male and female can be channeled into useful creations, provided you know how. In most cases, the potent energy of the male is expended carelessly and in an exhaustive way, draining the potential creative chi energy of the male in an unproductive way. This is because the male has not learn to tame the chi energy at its sexual height.

The modern sexologists are more concerned with erectile dysfunction than about the sexual energy. We will share some of this in the next post.

1 comment:

IBG - Internet Business Group said...

Interesting article. Heard about the Yellow Emperor in the Red Chamber. There is something interesting about drawing the young chi from young concubines. Can you enlighten something on this???? Though you may have something to share on this.