Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Eyes Never Lies

Someone told me that if you covered up the whole face except the eyes, you can tell the character of the person by looking at the eyes. Yes, the eyes reveal a lot of things. Medically, the iris reveals the health of a person inside her body. The retina in the eyeball reveals the onset of diabetes. The ancient Egyptians can tell whether a pregnant woman is carrying a boy or girl by looking at the white of the eyes.

But the eyes really make face stands out. Take away the eyes and the beauty is gone. That is why the blind always wear fashionable black spectacles. Take a look at Steve Wonder with his famous signature black spectacles. There is class, style and fashion about black spectables.

For those who are blessed with beautiful eyes, highlight them out. There are now so much cosmetics for the eyes. Colorful eye shadows in a multitude of colors, shimmering effects with star dusts, eyeliners and even false eye lashes. They really make your eyes look different and uplift your face in a different light.

Eyes, like any part of the face, can communicate without you saying a word. A twinkle of the eye can convey a message across to the person sitting opposite to you to signal you are approachable. A glare will keep your unwelcome visitor scurrying away. But a sexy eyes with blue eye shadow and long curvy eyelashes will mesmerised your admirer to the ground.

Eyeshadow in the right tone, enhances the eyes. The daring will experiment with bold, strong and brightly colored hues. They are fun and your eyes will remain the focus of attention. Texture has a striking effect on your eye make up. Do try experimenting with eye shadows in cream and powder formulas.

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