Saturday, September 15, 2007

Making Sensuous Scents

For the modern, sophisticated woman who craves an enticing and captivating scent, she must wear the eau de parfum which will bring out the epitome of her feminine tenderness.

Scent works on the senses of smell. Scent triggers certain hormones to be released from the various glands, especially the pituitary gland. For example, How does the male knows that the female is in a heat ? Through the release of hormones and scent, of course.

A spray of parfum will leaves one feeling glamorous, luxurious and delectable, building her confidence to a new level. It also creates a body language of her own.

And for the man? When a lady walk by with a strong swift of classical elegant and captivating fragrance, who could help not turning his head to look at her? That is the power of the scents, to attract, to lure and to captivate. And the ultimate result is still sex and love.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog since it first came out and I must say that the content in your blog is really fascinating. Keep up the good work.

Feli said...

Thank you anonymous for your support.
This blog is done for a sincere purpose for our young generation of youth. I just want to share my opinions,knowledge, experiences, observations and researches done by others in this subject. There will be a lot more coming up, real and relevant topics for both parents and our teenagers to ponder about. Keep on reading.