Monday, January 28, 2008

What men still don't know about SEX! -Part 2

There is an argument, however, that to do this risks stripping them of their magic. As a general rule, men find depictions of sexual acts arousing and women get off on words. So when you two get to that lovely point of trust where fantasies can be exchanged remember that a few spicy suggestions whispered into her ear will add to her excitement.

You're also not the only ones to masturbate. most women do it, even when their sex lives are going great. women tend to masturbate to scenarios of their own invention, while you guys prefer to use something material, generally porn videos or magazines. but unless your partner likes porn too, and can share it with you, be careful about keeping it around. Chances are, if she comes across it in your closet or under the bed, she will feel extremely threatened and take it as evidence that she's not enough for you. After all, when she masturbates especially if yours is a passionate, new relationship - the image she probably has in mind is of you.

Also, there's always the likelihood that she is insecure about her desirability and obsessed by what she imagines to be her physical defects- those little blemished and imperfection so that are simply airbrushed out in your videos and magazines. And finally, whenever she thinks, she may not emotionally accept the ability you men have to separate sex from romantic love in a manner not many women share.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

What men still don't know about SEX! -Part 1

When it comes to sex, men are definitely improving. After all, in grandpa's day, the average man never dreamed a woman could enjoy making love and the average woman never dreamed she should.

Today, of course, both sexes do, because pleasure shared is pleasure doubled and it's still further increased for the modern man who knows he's giving as good as he's getting. All a man needs to become a superb lover is some technique, a little knowledge, a bit of imagination and a lot of tender willingness. Most important, the good lover knows there is always more to learn and the great lover is the man who enjoys the lessons!

There is more potential for playfulness in sex than in any other adult activity. But sex is not a competitive sport. Men who run out of their corners at the sound of the bell, flailing and panting as though they have a title to defend are not the lovers women find irresistible.

So keep athleticism in the gym, guys. If you think she's going to be wildly turned on by being twisted into contortions, then you certainly have the wrong idea about inventive lovemaking. You are not the only ones, gentlemen, to fantasies during sex, even when it's with someone you're crazy about. And if your relationship mellows, you may find it exciting to tell each other your fantasies though not necessarily to act them out.

to be continue........

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sensual pleasures

Sensual - just what does this word mean to you? According to the dictionary, something sensual gives pleasure to a person's physical senses and feelings rather than to their mind or soul. And a sensual experience does not necessarily have to end in bed! A genre of music, food, a special person or even a particular physical activity can stir your senses and makes you want to purr or grrr...and give you pleasurable moments. So what turns people on.....

Some say that a massage is something that gives the ultimate pleasure. When getting a massage, shut your eyes and enjoy the manual manipulation. The feeling is unbelievably sensual.

Others say soaking in an aromatic hot bath, inhaling the relaxing scent of lavender and surrounded by the soothing flames of scented candles.

Ladies may love the soft satin sheets and silk lingerie.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sexy check-up!

Wouldn't you like to know if he's a red-hot lover in bed? And whether you have a high sex drive too? Find out by studying facial features and body parts.

People looking for the perfect partner have a whole body of evidence to consider. Experts say physical characteristics such as the size and shape of hands, feet and head reveal a person's sexual prowess and personality.

Men with big feet are well endowed, large teeth are a sign of vanity,snub noses belong to romantics and those with ring fingers much lo9nger than their index fingers have huge sex drives.

Men whose hands were identical had higher than average sperm co9unts, according to a report in New Scientist magazine. But it was very low in men with one hand at least 4mm longer than the other. Women with a large difference in size between index and ring fingers are more fertile.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Candles In the Wind

Candles have a special place in our homes. Candles are used in the churches, temples, for weddings, for funerals and almost for every occasions such as birthday and anniversary.. Candles have always play a very important role in our society. Recently, special candles are used for spa centres. These are scented candles that gives out special fragrances for therapeutic properties. Somehow these scented candles calm the minds of the clients and make them relax. I decided to try them in special schools for the autistic and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Syndrome. To a certain extent, these special candles do have an effect in calming down these children and make the lives of the teachers much easier in handling these special children.
Candles comes from a number of sources, the most commonly found ones come from paraffin wax, which is from petroleum. The more natural waxes that are used in spa centres are made from beeswax or bayberry wax but the costs are high for these ones. Recently, soy candles have been made from the waste of soya beans. Soy candles are environmentally friendly and comes from a renewable source, rather than from petroleum which is a depleting source. Interestingly, Caterpillars Candles made these soy candles which are hand poured, with quality scents that are lasting and are much cheaper than the beeswax types. I have been using these candles in our restaurants, where we put those candles on our guest tables. Those scented candles not only gives the atmosphere a romantic mood but also an ambient lightly scented smell, making it all the more conducive for lovers and couples in our restaurants. We find that our clients spent 40 per cent more on drinks and additional side orders because our guests spent longer hours in our restaurants. Now, we did this research by using several restaurants randomly. Restaurant that were not lighted with soy candles were used as control groups against those restaurants with scented soy candles. The daily revenue collected from each restaurants were tally in a table and comparisons were made over a period of one month. These insights were significant in our marketing strategies and training of our staff. The savings were also quite significant as compared to beeswax candles. For those who are thinking of buying in bulk and distributing soy candles , they can consider the role of wholesale soy candles in their region. The potential of such a business is huge as there is a tremendous increase in spa centres, health clinics and the more upbeat restaurants.

Is he treating you more than just friends?

Here are signs that you should look out for:

He buys you excessively expensive or personal presents like jewelery or lingerie.

Every time you ask after his wife or kids, he changes the subject or just ignores the query.

He gives you compliments that are excessively persona and make you uncomfortable.

He touches you in a way you don't expect your normal guy friends to touch you. There is a world of difference between a big, warm hug and a seductive, lingering hand on your thigh.

He constantly calls you or wants to spend time with you.

He suggests you meet out all the time and doesn't include his wife or your boyfriend on any of these dates.

He doesn't tell his wife that he is meeting up with you.

He calls you and talks to you on the phone till midnight.

He gives you flowers and have meals with you after work.

He is very concern and helpful in your personal problem.

He tries to meet up with you as often as a normal guy friends would.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cash From A Trustsource?

Have you been in a situation where you need some extra cash to tie you over to the next pay day? If the amount you required is between $500 to $2,000 and you are securely employed, then it is alright to borrow some short term cash from payday loans. There are a number of reasons for doing so. First, because the amount is small, there is no bank that will undertake your borrowing facilities. Secondly, because it is a short term period, usually about 14 days to 30 days, no financial institutions will bother to cater to your needs. Thirdly, you do not want your friends or colleagues to know that you are hard up for cash and you do not feel very nice to borrow from your relatives.
The online payday loan is one avenue for an employed person who need cash urgently before the next payday to obtain cash in a quick and convenient way through the internet. To prevent your self from being trapped in a debt ridden cycle, it is advisable that you do not extend the loan if you can payback on the next payday. Extending the loan will incurred more fees and charges. Borrow wisely and only for essential needs only. By paying back promptly, you also establish a credible reference with the payday loan lender, just in case you need another cash advance in the future

How to get ahead with the opposite sex

In a dating game, when you are competing with some other suitors, how do you get ahead of the pack? The way to to a girl's heart can be many. One sure way is to show that you are caring, really sincerely caring. Care about her health, care about her appearance, care about her safety, care about her fear and you will have won her heart above the rest. These are things that the girls really look for in a man besides his physical appearance. Of course, there are differences in what a woman look for and what a young girl look for. A woman look for security, so make sure you are wealthy enough to provide her with a house, car and ready to give her security for a family. For a young girl, give her lots of beautiful clothes, shoes, cosmetics and change her handphone now and then. In all these, the man must have the finance to outlast the others suitors or else, you better start looking for more money. Money is still the key to the dating game.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dare To Date The Most Beautiful Girl ?

You were in a café, sipping your favourite coffee brew and keyboarding away at your lap top. Suddenly, the most beautiful girl in the world walked into the café alone. You couldn’t take your eyes off her and there was a strong desire inside you that you want to walk up to her and buy her a coffee. But the fear got the better of you somehow. You sit rooted to your chair, unable to move. Suddenly, someone walked up to her, introduced himself to her and they struck up a conversation. How you wish you were in that stranger’s shoes instead of sitting here, letting the opportunity passed by.
How many of us have gone through that? Probably 9 out of 10 guys have gone through that. But things are going to change if you are willing to learn. The internet are full of dating information which teaches you everything, or almost everything on how to date a girl. There is nothing wrong with getting some tips on how to date a girl. Seriously, guys need to surf the internet on the mens site for proven dating tips. Their parents didn’t teach them about dating except to tell them how to practice safe sex. And frankly, how many of us guys really go to the site for men to search for effective dating tips and guides? Not many, which is why many guys make a blunder in their first dates or even in their approach to dates.
The modern man is now living in an age of technology and there are so many ways to approach a girl beside the old fashion way of walking up to a girl and asking to buy her a drink. You can use technology to be creative in your approach. Take for example the above case. You are at the café. You probably have a mobile phone. What you can do is called up the nearest florist and request that they send in a bouquet of the most beautiful roses to the girl with a message that says, “ From an avid admirer sitting in front of you”. I bet she will be impressed and will probably invite you over. That is a sure success approach where it is unlikely that she will turn you down. Tell me which girl can refuse a bouquet of fresh roses?
The modern man should be resourceful enough to get information about dating from the site for men. There are plenty of these sites for men on the net. One particularly good site which I find useful for getting dating information is called, “ the”. From here, you can learn the secrets on the following topics:
• How to flirt with women
• How to build up your confidence with gorgeous beautiful women
• How to attract beautiful and sexy ladies to you
• How to get your girl that you want
• Learn about the alpha man qualities

The first advice for successful dating is get the right advice from the experts and professional. They know their job well and they won’t sell you something that won’t work. Get this right in the beginning will give you a head start in your dating game. Remember, you have to move fast, once the girl you desire is married to another person, it is opportunity gone forever. Early bird gets the worm. So you have to move fast with confidence and surefire tactical strategy that will move the girl into your arms only.
The second advice is to place yourself in the right environment for meeting girls or women. If one is staying at home all the time, how is it possible for the right girl to meet you? Decide on the type of girls you want to meet and then choose the places where these girls are most likely to go. If you want to meet intelligent, academic oriented ladies, seek them out at the libraries or at the bookstores. These are places where college or universities girls hanged out.
If you want to seek girls with the same interest as you in drinking or social outings, seek them out at the bars, clubs and night spots where they hang out with their girl friends. This is what I mean being in the right place. If you like eating, go to the food court, there are plenty of girls there, some eating by themselves alone. If you like shopping, check out the sales girls at some of the shopping complexes. They are good talkers and it is their duty to approach you first. All you need to do is to show some interest in the products and when she comes over, here is the opportunity to strike up a conversation with her. I find that this is a particularly good practicing ground for striking up conversation with ladies who are strangers and it helps you to get rid of your fear of talking to beautiful strangers. Practice makes perfect and when it comes to the real thing, you will have more confidence to walk up to the girl you are interested.

Flabby tummy

Better posture takes five pounds off instantly and can help stop the dreaded 'bikini overhand'. So Joel Press, medical director of the Centre for Spine, Sports & Occupational Rehabilitation in Chicago, prescribes this simple posture-improvement exercise that can be done almost anywhere.

"Stand with you back against a wall, placing your heels a couple of inches away. With the chin tucked in, hold the buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head against the wall. Do this several times a day, holding it for 20 to 30 seconds."

Yoga and Alexander Technique (a one-pm-one posture-improvement programme) are longer term strategies which also strengthen the back and so make it easier to hold in your tummy.

Spot-targeted exercises firm up flab fast too. But if you have back or neck problems, you should consult an exercise expert before embarking on a tummy-tautening regime - stomach crunches and sit-ups can be bad news for bad backs.

To minimize the risk of injury, try this tummy tuck in the bath, the water (and the edge few the bath) supports you while you go through the motions. Lie back, grab a sponge or flannel between your feet, slowly raise legs as high as possible, pull in the stomach and hold to the count of three, then lower slowly. Repeat five times.

Although women's tummies don't ten d to accumulate 'orange-peel' flesh in the same way as our thighs and bottoms do, massaging in an anti-cellulite product tautens and smooths the skin -.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Get Paid Online Casino

Online Casino
Sometimes, when the mood is in and you decide to get some quick money online, you can log in to some online casino and make a quick buck out of it. Most of us play for fun and to enjoy some thrill. But sometimes, one can get very lucky and when you know your luck is round the corner, you better not quit because opportunity seldom knocks twice. And who knows, you may join one of these winners here at Vegas casino. Take for example, Diane B won $2,060,189.01 while Daryl M won $51,191.05 at Diamond Valley. Now, these are genuine winners and you can view this list of winners every month at Vegas online. And not only that, there are bonuses to be given out too if you register. Why not try your luck on some casino games for some quick cash and you might just be the next one on the winning list.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rough skin

The fastest way to get skin glowing and gleaming healthily in no time? Body brushing, prescribed twice daily for maximum results. Top models swear bu its power to slough away dead skin cells and boost circulation. It rapidly banishes upper arm pimples too. Those teeny white bumps beneath the skin that can build up under wraps.

Some experts believe it can even help banish cellulite, by encouraging the elimination of toxins through the lymphatic systems, so helping to break down fatty pockets. Use a long handled body brush, with long upward, sweeping movements, start at the feet and work up the legs and across the hips, bottom and tummy.

Move to the arms, beginning at the hands, move up the arms to the shoulders. Always working towards the heart. Avoid the breast area, though or you risk soreness. You could also try a DIY 'scrubbing sack', take a gauze or cheesecloth square (10cmx10cm) and pile a tablespoon of dried chamomile or sage in the centre, with half a cup of oatmeal and three to four drops of our favorite essential oil, tie it with string or a pretty ribbon to create a little pouch and then use it in the bath or shower to scrub your skin clean.

Whisking away dead skin cells also gives your favorite moisturizer a chance to sink in deeply. So treat yourself to the body lotion of your favorite scent. Summer's alternative way to wear fragrance can cause skin to scorch or burn or trigger allergies.

Smooth in once, wait for it to sink in , then apply again to turbo charge the skin-smoothing, sense-drenching effects. But do ignore advice about applying moisture lotion to still-damp skin. Any moisture 'trapped' by the cream rapidly evaporates and although your favorite product will go further (and last longer), what you're really doing is applying alight film of moisture rather than the rich dose the skin really needs.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sex Scandal On the Minister of Health, Chua Soi Lek

Recently, there was a huge furore on the sex scandal on one Malaysian's top minister. The Minister of Health, Datuk Seri Dr.Chua Soi Lek has recently admitted that he was the man in the sex DVD that was widely distributed in west Malaysia. It was a pity, for he is the man that was considered 'no nonsense'minister and he did get a lot of things done in his ministry. He extended the housemanship of medical students to enable them to get more confidence in their practice. He managed to get all the pig poultry farmers to come together to pledge not to use steriods hormones, an issue that is not easy to implement.

He managed to implement systems in the general hospitals to cut down on waiting time and established special counters for wheel chair patients and special cases such as children and elderly. Datuk Dr.Chua is tipped to be the next President of MCA because of his outspokenness and courage in raising a lot of issues. He is intelligent and is showing upcoming leadership. Now this is something very familiar in my earlier post. Didn't I say, highly intelligent person are also highly sex people? You will find that the world's most intelligent leaders such as Bill Clinton, Billy Graham are also highly sex, so much so that they are also involved in sex scandal. Basically, sex and intelligence goes hand in hand and one cannot go without the other. Also, most highly intelligent leaders have multiple partners, maybe because they cannot get enough from one partner. Can we blame them for being highly sex because it is in their gene?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Beyond GPS Technology

The use of GPS technology is entering many areas. From the simple use in direction finding, GPS technology is being employed in moving parts, especially for logistics vehicle tracking system. The application of GPS is now entering mapping, cell phone, vehicle security, vehicle movements, Web services such as Google Earth. There is one company, GPS Insight, that is using GPS technology to new heights. This firm is now considered a leader in the GPS tracking field applications. GPS Insight vehicle tracking system has come up with a number of firsts in the world, such as the only hardware to install plugs directly into vehicles diagnostic port and the only product to get direct engine diagnostics (fault codes, speed, fuel consumption, odometer reading ,idle time etc, with a real time updates every 2 minutes of very high end mad options and customizations. The use of such high tech GPS technology is especially useful in logistic companies for the improvement in the efficiency of management and cost controls. Some of the information captured on GPS Insight are reports for fleet managers and these reports give information on driving report, speeding report, landmark report, fleet location, engine maintenance, fuel consumption, engine performance and stops report. These are vital information for managing fleet vehicles efficiency. You can prevent drivers from speeding and getting a ticket for over speeding, vehicles breakdown by knowing the engine performance and engine maintenance, the number of stops and how long each stop to cut down on idle time. Routing optimization is another key feature in fleet management, especially with the rising costs of fuel.
What about for private cars or cars rental business? The GPS Insight product can help to track your vehicle if it is stolen and data on realtime can be given to the Police immediately for investigation and for recovery of vehicle. This service is especially useful for Insurance companies taking up luxurious vehicles. In the long run, it is more efficient than to replace a whole new vehicle if you can track and recover the vehicle in time.
Ok, you may say this is fine but you may have one more question. If I sign up with this GPS Insight, how do I know that they will be here in 10 years time, still giving me the good services as before? We have been through many GPS technology firms that offer fantastic products and services but the firms doesn’t last long. A very valid question to be asked by customers.
Well, take a look at GPS Insight. Go through the history of GPS Insight and the people behind them, in particularly GPS Insight support wiki for customers. Also take a look at the client base and their association with Sedonatech Inc. Those are solid evidence backing GPS Insight. Their confidence in their products and technology is shown by their statement of 30 days money back guarantee or 30 days trial. No one in his right sense would offer such terms unless you are 101 per cent sure of your product quality. And here is another first in the GPS tracking industry for GPS Insight. They do not tie you down with long term contract which is very necessary for most GPS companies. Necessary and essential for good business sense in the logic that GPS technology involved heavy investment and in order to cover operating costs, you need to have an assured customer base with a long term contracts in order to guarantee minimum cash flow. GPS Insight do not required long term contracts. You have a choice to pick and choose the terms you want to sign up with them.
The final thing I like about GPS Insight is their interactive multimedia website. There is also a Blog for GPS vehicle tracking and you can get a lot of the latest news on GPS. Cruise in for a demonstration on site and you will be amazed by the things they have to offer.

High heels for X-Mas

This Christmas, I saw that shoes is a hot item and talking about shoes, high heels seem to be in fashion. High heels with open toes are in. Pumps are just great on girls.
A word about heels though.
Try walking on them to see that they are stable. You won't want to be the model that fell down twice on the runway while walking on high heels don't you? If you don't feel comfortable, then don't take them because you will be risking a sprain on your heels. I find that the really good ones are done by the better brands such as Guess Carrie, Jessica Simpson and Jimmy Choo. Also make sure you keep them in a dry place as leather will deteriorate if you keep them in a moist place. Shoe polish them once in a while to keep them looking shiny and retain their color.

Online Backgammon

Are you keen to play online backgammon? You can get some pocket money for your parties. But first improve your backgammon game with tips and helps from the backgammon experts which you can find for free on gammon-fortune. They will help to increase your chances of winning and improve your skills when you play backgammon.
By the time you have become a good player, you're ready to join their tournaments. The tournaments will give you a chance to test your talent against other backgammon players and also gives you a chance to win big cash prizes in the region of tens of thousand dollars. There are always tournaments starting at Gammon online, and you can play backgammon online whenever you are ready. You can try their Sit & Go or Event tournaments. The entry fees are as low as $1 or as high as $20, so choose the ones that fits in with your budget. Gammon-Fortune uses 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Digital Encryption to shield and secure your privacy and transactions, so that you can play with a peace of mind.

Backside 'bumps'

Fact: we sit on our bum too much. The result isn't simply a spreading bottom; skin on our behind can get rough and pimply and eventually. The squeamish can avert their eyes ere - can end up like a plucked chicken's. Keeping in a state of perpetual motion is the ultimate solution, but it's just not practical. So your best bet is shock tactics; a combined approach of body brushing 9you can afford to be vigorous) and salt scrubs.

Simply take a handful of alt and rub it in a circular motion around the knicker-line area, which tends to be where 'blips' occur. You could also try custom-blending your own aromatherapy salt scrub. Take an empty jam jar, fill halfway to the top with salt and drizzle in three tablespoons of almond oil. Add a combination of 30 drops of your favorite essential oils; screw on the cap and shake like crazy. Leave to stand; cap and shake like crazy. Leave to stand; the oils will be abosrbed by the salt, leaving you with an inexpensive (but highly effective) butt scrub.

Massage with an anti-cellulite product also helps move built-up toxins away from the area (our backsides act a bit like the body-s warehouse. Some experts believe that chemicals which the body can't deal with from food additives to pesticides are wrapped in fat and stored there. Only massage, activity and gently weight loss shift them).

Playing Poker with a Winning Calculator

If you are a gambler on poker and if you play poker online, would you want a gadget that can read all the table parameters, calculates the data and displays all the real time odds, games statistics and information you need to play your game? Of course, you would. I knew of one genius guy who brought such a calculator to a casino and start using it. You know what was the results? He started winning every round until the Casino Security removed him and banned him from that casino. Now, turn this situation to an online casino. There is now a poker calculator called MagicHoldem, specially used to help poker players for online games. Here is how the MagicHoldem works.
MagicHoldem works by detecting the poker room table that was opened on your computer and then instantly attaches itself to your game. The sofware calculation engine immediately reads all the table parameters, calculates the data and displays all the real-time poker odds, game statistics and information you NEED to know. The holdem calculator has been made to accommodate 93% of all Poker rooms and there is a high chance that it will accommodate yours too . With this holdem calculator, you can win with online poker games and you can do it in the comfort of your home without being thrown out by security guards.

Droopy breasts

Reversing gravity (not to mention the effects of hormonal changes like pregnancy) is a tall beauty order. Cold water and ice cubes work fleetingly but aren't viable on a long-term basis - although the seriously disciplined could try Clarins' Model Bust for an uplifting home hydrotherapy treatment: plugged onto the bath ( or basin) tap, it directs jets of cold water over the breasts to tighten and tone.

After which you apply treatments from Clarins' Bust care range: Bust Beauty Tonic, Bust Beauty Lotion and Bust Beauty Gel, which devotees swear by for their tautening, tightening effects.

Other bust-booster designed for daily use: Decloeor's Galbeor harmonie, Lancome's softening, tightening Energibuste and Shiseido's Essential energy Bust Firming Lotion, designed to soften and tighten.

In salons, Clarins also offers the Paris Method Bust Treatment, known as the Rolls Royce of Bust treatments. Definitely not for the terminally body-shy, it includes a check on deportment and skin elasticity, a bra check (to make sure yours is fulfilling its Best Supporting Role) and a skin-smoothing massage. A better long-term bet for bust firmness is exercise - like swimming ( the ultimate chest-firmer) or weight-training exercises spot-targeted to the pectoral muscles. The I-must-I-must-increase-my-bust exercises we did as teenagers - clasping our palms together, at bust level, and pressing them together - still work a treat too.