Friday, February 1, 2008

Why women fake orgasm?

Men are reputed to have logical brains, right? So obviously you've already noticed that these statistics indicate two things about female sexuality.
1. Whoever she is, she must have faked it on occasion.
2. This indicates that perhaps orgasms don't play quite the same urgent role in her sex life as they do in yours.

If you saw 'When Harry met Sally', you know how brilliantly a woman can fake an orgasm. But more important than how she fakes it is why she fakes it. Well, first of all, there's a genuine kind of release indicating out a climax, similar to the way you can get a charge out of watching your team score a point without racing out onto the field and scoring one yourself. Also, she knows that for you a sex act is incomplete unless it leads to an orgasm, and if she fails to have one, you may think you've failed to give it to her. In other words, she fakes to spare your feelings.

Yes, it has been known for her to fake an orgasm because she's dead tired and knows you won't give up until you think she's had one. Or maybe she feels somehow ashamed of her inability to have one genuinely. Finally, she may pretend because she's afraid that if she doesn't make yo think you're the greatest, you'll leave and find some other girl who does.

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