Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Marriage

According to experts, there are things that a wife should never say to her husband or a husband to his wife. Continue from my last post, here are the remaining 5 things that shouldn't be said to your mate.

You don't really love me, "No man enjoys being nagged into reassurances of his love, and most resent repeated demands to prove their feelings"

I think he's really attracted to me. "You can never be sure how a man will react when his jealousy is aroused. Some men might retaliate with flirtations of their own."

You were much better looking when..
. "Men are as sensitive as women about their appearances and most don't want to be compared unfavorably with anyone - not even their former selves."

Promise you won't tell a should. "If you pass along details of a friend's private life, your mate may suspect that you've traded secrets of your own for those details and that might jeopardize his trust."

I don't know what to do - tell me. "This sets him up for blame if things go wrong. Make decisions and take responsibility for them."

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