Sunday, March 16, 2008

Keep your passion alive - part 1

How do you keep the passion alive long after that first flush of love has died down? Here are some great pointers that might help keep your long term relationship alive and kicking.

Admit defeat graciouslyy - Even when you may not totally be in the wrong. Saying, "you're right darling and I am wrong" keeps your man's ego intact and helps diffuse a potentially ehat3ed situation. Of course, there are limitations to this technique. Don't use it so often that you end up begin mistaken for a doormat.

Never let the sun set on your anger - This piece of advice may sound archaic but it's an important one to keep in mind. From personal experience, sleeping on one's anger doesn't cool one's temper. In fact, it gives one more time to stew in one's anger, therefore increasing one's resentment.

Talk things out - Another clicked but true piece of advice that really does wonders for an ailing relationship. Think of you unresolved quarrel as a humongous boil that throbs and aches no matter what you do. The only cure? Purging out the impurities within and voila, instead healing. Now, imaging what hashing things out can do for your relationship.

Be touchy feely -Don't think of getting married or being in a comfortable relationship as a license to take your loved one for granted. Make it a point to continue doing the things that made your relationship work when you first met. Hold hands, make goo goo eyes at teach other, pinch each other's butts.

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